天皇陛下におかせられましては この度 風薫るよき日に 御即位になりましたことは まことに慶賀に堪えないところであります
天皇皇后両陛下が御清祥であられ 令和の時代が悠久の歴史に新たな希望と光を添えるものとなりますよう 心からお祈り申し上げます
天皇陛下 ばんざい ばんぜい ばんざい
ここに大日本帝国の主権の再建政府は 貴族院と眾議院と司法省と帝国臣民を代表して 謹んで慶祝の意を表します
尊貴的 天皇陛下:
值此 風和日麗的美景佳辰,為您的登基至上最高的敬意與慶賀,臣等
令和時代在悠久的國家歷史裏 增添新的希望與光明。
天皇陛下 萬歲 萬歲 萬歲
大日本帝國的主權的重建政府 代表 貴族院 眾議院 司法省及帝國臣民 敬呈慶賀
Celebrating to the Enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor
Congratulations on the Enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor
The Re-establishing Government of Japan Empire (Japan Empire Government, JPE Government), on 22 October 2019, in the territories of Formosa and Pescadores of the sovereign State of Empire of Japan (Japan Empire), respectfully presents congratulations on the Enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor.
Your Majesty the Emperor,
In this flourish and beautiful day, I, the (Sec.) Prime Minister of Japan Empire, Selig S.N. Tsai, as the Plenipotentiary Prime Minister, to act on behalf of the JPE Government, pray with the utmost respect and utmost congratulations on the Enthronement of Your Majesty the Emperor for that:
Your Majesty the Emperor and Your Majesty the Queen are always auspicious and comfortable;
The sacred bright and life’s hopes are coming more in this Reiwa era of our State's long history.
God bless Your Majesty the Emperor to run the sovereign State of Japan Empire forever and ever and ever.
Yours sincerely,
Selig S.N. Tsai
(Sec.) Prime Minister of Japan Empire
Plenipotentiary of
JPE Government, Department of Justice, the House of Peers, House of Representatives
The Empire of Japan (Japan Empire)