月, 24 3月 2014 14:18

2014-0324聲明 注目


The declaration of the Sunflower Student Movement and the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement
The Re-establishing Government of Japan Empire
24 March 2014


The Re-establishing Government hereby declare for the Sunflower Student Movement since 19 March 2014, and
against the cross-strait Chinese’s agreement to which signed by the Chinese Taipei – the Chinese refugee occupying force (hereafter the occupying authorities) and China, as known as ECFA and its cross-strait service trade agreement.

1.    Condemned that the occupying authorities is violating the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, the Taiwan Relations Act, 4-1, 4-2 and Title 32 of United States Code; infringing on the civil resources and the jurisdiction of civil resources of the Re-establishing Government.  The ECFA and annex I of “Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement” has been seriously violating the legal rights and interests of the Re-establishing Government.  As we all know that the ECFA and “Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement” was the People's Republic of China signed with her Chinese refugees occupying force - Chinese Taipei, involving Taiwan and Penghu - the occupied territory of our State.

2.    Condemned that the occupying authorities illegal used force to expel the students causing a bloody conflict early in the morning on 24 March 2014, at the legitimately governed area of Re-establishing Government.  The Re-establishing Government hereby express the serious concern.

3.    Call on the United Nations Security Council, United Nations Trusteeship Council, Protecting Powers Japan, ICRC, and the International human rights organizations to deal these war crimes with deepening concern and to help the Re-establishing Government protecting the personal safety of the students in the gatherings. 

4.    Condemned the occupying authorities occupying our country’s civil governments and civil resources.  The occupying authorities shall return the Taiwan Governor-General's Office and all local civil governments to the Re-establishing Government as soon as possible.



對太陽花學運 及 兩岸中國人所為協議 之聲明




茲為2014年3月19日以來,發生在大日本帝國台灣之中國台北-中國難民佔領軍 (下稱 佔領當局)對其學生反對運動之事件,並對佔領當局與中國簽訂協議內容,特發表 下列聲明:


一、    譴責 佔領當局違反1949的日內瓦第四公約、台灣關係法4-1,4-2及 美國法典第32篇,侵犯大日本帝國重建政府(下稱 本重建政府)之民事資源及民事資源管轄權。佔領當局在與其難民國籍的原籍國-中華人民共和國訂立之ECFA與兩岸服務貿易協議 附件一 服務貿易特定承諾表(產業開放對照表),已嚴重侵犯本重建政府之合法權益。

二、    譴責 佔領當局於2014年3月24日凌晨以武力,在本重建政府合法管轄區,對抗議其不法政府的中國台北學生進行粗暴驅離,引起流血事件。本重建政府並表達嚴重關切!

三、    呼籲 聯合國安理會、領土託管理事會、保護國 日本國及ICRC、國際人權組織予以關切,並協助本重建政府保障 此項集會的中國台北學生之人身安全。

四、    譴責佔領當局,一切占用本國民事政府及民事資源之行為,並應儘速歸還本重建政府 台灣總督府及各級民事政府。

読む 2381433 回読まれました 最終修正日 月, 24 3月 2014 19:55

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