次のタグのアイテムを表示しています: occupied territory

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The Sovereign State of the Empire of Japan Respectfully Invite the Honorable US President Donald Trump to Visit the Occupied Territory of Taiwan


7 December 2020,

Taihoku (Taipei), Formosa (Taiwan)

Document Number: GA-13-031-N3


From: Mr. Selig S.N. Tsai

The Plenipotentiary Prime Minister The Government of Japan Empire;

President of the Red Cross of Japan Empire

(United Nations’ NGO Rescue Committee for the people of Japan Empire; RCJE) Address: No.263, Sec. 6, Yanping N. Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111, Formosa, the occupied sovereign State of Empire of Japan (Japan Empire)

Email Address: geneva4th@rcje.org, sovaha@gmail.com, Geneva4th@protonmail.com Website: http://www.RCJE.org , http://www.ReGovJE.org

Respectfully submitted to:

The Principal Occupying Power

The principal Occupying Power – each government of the State of the United States of America (hereinafter “USA”, “US”) and the Honorable US President Mr. Donald John Trump;


Respectfully CC:


His Majesty the Emperor (天皇陛下)

Her Majesty the Queen   (皇后陛下)

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) President Mr. Peter Maurer and All ICRC members;

United Nations General-Secretary António Guterres, and please give my regards to all member States of the United Nations, and please give my regards to all officials and workers of the United Nations;

Prime Minster Yoshihide Suga 菅義偉 of the sovereign State of Japan (since 3 May 1947), of which sovereign power resides with Japanese people;



 Respected and most beloved US President Trump:

カテゴリ: Governmental Communiqué