The Red Cross of Japan Empire (also known as the United Nations’ NGO Rescue Committee for the people of Japan Empire, RCJE) thank God, thanks the IV GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR OF 12 AUGUST 1949 (Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, hereinafter “GCIV”), and thanks the United Nations for replying the Government of the State of the Empire of Japan (JPE Government) that the United Nations has carefully noted the sovereign State of the Empire of Japan (Japan Empire) accepting and applying the provisions of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 in the occupied territory - Formosa and the Pescadores (Taiwan).
(Please see Annex 1 - GA-13-031-N2 or download the file from
Pursuant to the GA-13-031-N2 and “DECLARATION ACCEPTING THE JURISDICTION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT” GA-13-031-A4, and their related legal documents, the International Criminal Court has Jurisdiction over the occupied territory - Formosa and the Pescadores (Taiwan).
RCJE has accepted a legal Case on 24 March 2020 in the occupied territory Taiwan from a protected person of the GCIV regarding Asset Protection Request of Burial Culture and War Crimes Report against the Occupying Power USA and its Chiang Kai-shek armed group (ROC).
(Please see Annex 2 – The POWER OF ATTORNEY).
The said protected person is a gentleman whose name is TSENG YU CHUN (曾宥鈞), hereinafter “the protected person”.
On 10 September 2019, the protected person signed a contract with the landowner of the cemetery on purchasing the permanent use right of a 50-square-meter old cemetery in the Hsinchu mountain area of the occupied territory Taiwan, and then buried the urns of his ancestors in the said cemetery.
Burial is a cultural tradition of the inhabitants of Formosa and the Pescadores, and has been protected and regulated by the laws of the sovereign State of the Empire of Japan (Japan Empire) before the military occupation held by the USA and its ROC.
The tradition of burial in Taiwan continues to the present under the military control of the occupying force - ROC; however, now, only a few privileged families related to the occupying force - ROC can enjoy this custom.
General occupied civilians, if they continue the old cultural customs of burial, they will be like the protected person Mr. Tseng in this Case being punished by the occupying force- ROC. Then their property is forcibly seized until the occupied civilians moved his / her ancestors’ remains to the Religious Bone Tower controlled by the occupying force- ROC.
The protected person Mr. TSENG YU CHUN in this Case, went to the post office on 13 March 2020 to receive the registered mail which is an order of monetary punishment and the removal the cemetery with time limited in 30 days since letter received - published by Chief of Hsinchu County of the Chiang Kai-shek armed group (ROC), Mr. Yang Wen-ke.
(Please see Annex 3 - The occupying force - ROC’s Punishment Order 1094011202A and B).
The entrusted Red Cross of Japan Empire (RCJE) by the said protected person confirms that the said cemetery has no impact on the local environment and has good soil and water conservation, and has the permission from the occupied sovereign JPE Government on Burial Culture Protection.
Pursuant to the provisions of the GCIV, that:
“Protected persons who are in occupied territory shall not be deprived, in any case or in any manner whatsoever, of the benefits of the present Convention by any change introduced, as the result of the occupation of a territory, into the institutions or government of the said territory, nor by any agreement concluded between the authorities of the occupied territories and the Occupying Power, nor by any annexation by the latter of the whole or part of the occupied territory. “ (Article 47 of the GCIV)
“[…]according to the rites of the religion to which they belonged and that their graves are respected, properly maintained, and marked in such a way that they can always be recognized. “ (Article 130 of the GCIV)
“[…] compelling a protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile Power, […]” (Article 147 of the GCIV)
RCJE, hereby, request the Occupying Power – USA and its occupying force – ROC to observe the GCIV to:
a. Stop the monetary punishment against the protected person;
b. Stop forcing the protected person to remove ancestral cemetery, and;
c. Hand over the management of civil affairs and civil resources in the occupied territory - Formosa and the Pescadores (Taiwan) to the occupied Sovereign JPE Government as soon as possible.
Yours Sincerely,
President of the Red Cross of Japan Empire
Selig S.N. Tsai
5 April 2020, Reiwa 2
Taihoku (Taipei), Formosa (Taiwan)