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War Crimes of USA and its Chiang Kai-shek armed group (ROC)
on forcing the protected person to remove ancestral cemetery



Taihoku, Formosa (台北, 台灣)

 RCJE Case Number: GA-13-031-PP-Tseng-001

From: Mr. Selig S.N. Tsai

President of the Red Cross of Japan Empire
(United Nations’ NGO Rescue Committee for the people of Japan Empire; RCJE)

Address: No.263, Sec. 6, Yanping N. Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111, Formosa, the occupied sovereign State of Empire of Japan (Japan Empire)

Email Address:,

Website: ,

Annex 1 - The GA-13-031-N2


Annex 3 - The occupying force - ROC’s Punishment Order 1094011202A and B

  Respected to

  Office of the Prosecutor of International Criminal Court (ICC);

  President Peter Maurer of International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC);

  Occupying Power: the United States of America (USA)
  President Donald Trump of United States of America, (Please the AIT forward this document)

  US dispatched force - Chiang Kai-shek armed group (ROC), Commander Ms. Tsai Ing-wen, 

  Chief of Hsinchu County of the Chiang Kai-shek armed group (ROC), Mr. Yang Wen-ke,

  受文者:國際刑事法院檢察官辦公室、紅十字國際委員會主席、佔領國美國及美國總統(請美國在台辦事處 酈英傑處長轉呈)、蔣介石佔領軍指揮官蔡英文主席、蔣介石佔領軍新竹縣長官楊文科先生,

Asset Protection Request of Burial Culture and

War Crimes Report

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War Crimes of USA and its Chiang Kai-shek armed group (ROC)
to compel protected person to serve in its armed or auxiliary forces



Taihoku, Formosa (台北, 台灣)

Case Number: GA-13-031-RCJE-BensonTsai-001

From: Mr. Selig S.N. Tsai

     The Plenipotentiary Prime Minister

     The Government of the Japan Empire;

President of the Red Cross of Japan Empire
(United Nations’ NGO Rescue Committee for the people of Japan Empire; RCJE)

Address: No.263, Sec. 6, Yanping N. Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111, Formosa, the occupied sovereign State of Empire of Japan (Japan Empire)

Email Address:,

Website: ,

Respected to

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) President Mr. Peter Maurer and All ICRC members;

United Nations General-Secretary António Guterres, and please give my regards to all member States of the United Nations, and please give my regards to all officials and workers of the United Nations;

Office of the Prosecutor of International Criminal Court;

Prime Minster Mr. Shinzō Abe of the sovereign State of Japan (since 3 May 1947), of which sovereign power resides with Japanese people;

The Occupying Power

The principal Occupying Power – each government of the State of the United States of America (USA, US) and President Mr. Donald John Trump;

US dispatched force - Chiang Kai-shek armed group (ROC), Commander Ms. Tsai Ing-wen,

Your Excellency,
Under the honorable Geneva Conventions of 1949, and pursuant to the “Thanks for the dawn of Human Rights from the United Nations – Let us move together towards the International Criminal Court with Universal Jurisdiction over war crimes in the occupied territory Taiwan” GA-13-031-N2 (Please download the file from;
Mr. Selig Tsai as the Plenipotentiary Prime Minister of the Government of the State of the Empire of Japan (JPE Government) and as the President of the Red Cross of Japan Empire (RCJE) and the RCJE official Mr. Benson Tsai who is the victim to this Case, report Your Excellency this war crimes that USA and its Chiang Kai-shek armed group (hereinafter “ROC”) compel protected person to serve in ROC’s armed or auxiliary forces in violation of Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 (GCIV), in the occupied territory Formosa.
1.   The JPE Government has reaffirmed “Observing and Respecting the Geneva Conventions of 1949” GA-13-031-P1 on 24 October 2019.
2.   The JPE Government has also reaffirmed “Requesting for the implementation of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their three Additional Protocols in the occupied territory of Taiwan” GA-13-031-P2, “JAPAN EMPIRE: DECLARATION RECOGNIZING AS COMPULSORY THE JURISDICTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE” GA-13-031-A3, and “DECLARATION ACCEPTING THE JURISDICTION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT” GA-13-031-A4 on 7 January 2020;
3.   Mr. Benson Tsai who is the official of the Red Cross of Japan Empire (RCJE) and is the protected person of the GCIV, received the ROC’s military conscription order on 25 March 2020 (Please see Annex 1).
4.  The said conscription order demands the RCJE official Mr. Benson Tsai to take his Military Draft physical examination in ROC’s military hospital on 15 April 2020, otherwise ROC will punish the RCJE official Mr. Benson Tsai with ROC’s “Punishment Act for Violation to Military Service System”.
5.  The said conscription order from ROC to the RCJE official Mr. Benson Tsai is critical violated the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.
“The Occupying Power may not compel protected persons to serve in its armed or auxiliary forces. No pressure or propaganda which aims at securing voluntary enlistment is permitted. […]“ (Article 51 of the GCIV)
“[…] compelling a protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile Power, […]” (Article 147 of the GCIV)
6.  The JPE Government, the RCJE and the RCJE official Mr. Benson Tsai, hereby, institute proceedings before the International Criminal Court on ROC’s war crimes.
7.  The RCJE official Mr. Benson Tsai may be attacked or kidnaped or “Enforced Disappearance” by Occupying Power United States and its ROC at any time;
The JPE Government and the Red Cross of Japan Empire (RCJE) urgently request the ICRC and the International Criminal Court to take measures of protection to the RCJE official Mr. Benson Tsai.
The JPE Government, the RCJE and the RCJE official Mr. Benson Tsai have the honour to reassure the Geneva Conventions of 1949 of our highest esteem.
Yours Sincerely,
Singed by
Japan Empire national and
Red Cross of Japan Empire (RCJE)
Section Chief of Gathering evidence on military service of War Crimes
The Plenipotentiary Prime Minister of Japan Empire
President of the Red Cross of Japan Empire
Selig S.N. Tsai
at Taihoku(Taipei), Formosa (Taiwan) of the occupied sovereign Japan Empire,
on 30 March 2020

Stop illegal trials and Return the occupied Civil Courts
Announced by the JPE Government

  To USA and its aggression army USAF-CRAG (see Terms and Definitions)

Ms. Tsai Ing-wen(蔡英文女士), President of USAF-CRAG;

And please Ms. Tsai - the leader of USAF-CRAG follow the provisions of 1949 Geneva Conventions to hand up this mail to related authorities, your member and international organizations, such as:
1. President of the United States of America;
2. Taiwan Shilin District Court of USAF-CRAG;
3. Protecting Powers of Japan Empire and other related organizations, including the ICRC, provided by the 1949 Geneva Conventions.

Published date: 21 June 2017, Heisei 29      

Document No.: JPE-CIA-20170621


Attachment Certificate of Ministry of International Armed Conflict for the concerned case involving CIA of JPE Government of 1949 Geneva Conventions

Attachment 1The protest of Jurisdiction over occupied territory Formosa and Pescadores

Attachment 2USAF-CRAG forcing to prosecute concerned protected persons and attempting to drop down the building of CIA of JPE Government of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention

Attachment 3The protected persons’ Power of Attorney to RCJE

Attachment 4The document accusing USAF-CRAG’s illegal trial and showing that the concerned protected persons have reasons and rights to live in the concerned place and building

Part 1: Aggression_Court.pdf (this Main document, Attachment, Attachment 1, Attachment 2, Attachment 3)
Part 2: 1949GC_JPECIA_under_attack.pdf (Attachment 4 and evidence proved )

For protecting the building which protected persons has been living in more than 70 years, and where the CIA of JPE Government runs
(see attachment 4; hereinafter “the building”), the USAF-CRAG attempts to drop down the building with its procedure in violation of Article 3, 6, 47, 71, 74 and Article 147 of Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and Article 8 of Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in the occupied Japan Empire’s territories Formosa and Pescadores by occupying all civil courts and authorities and enforcing the USAF-CARG’s law.
1. Please stop USAF-CRAG’s procedure immediately;
2. Return the JPE Government all Civil courts and authorities. (So far, All the civil courts and civil resources of JPE Government in Formosa and Pescadores have still been occupied by the USAF-CRAG since 25 Oct 1945.)


 1. It is illegal to trial persons by the USAF-CRAG in occupied Japan Empire’s territories Formosa and Pescadores.
There is the occupied JPE Government’s legal court to accept pleas to just shall person having right to live in his building, but not just by USAF-CRAG.

 2. Protected persons shall have right of a fair and regular trial under sovereignty and protected by the Fourth Geneva Convention.
“Willfully depriving a prisoner of war or other protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial” is the war crime under Rome Statue.


Terms and Definitions


Regarding the JPE Government
For total explanations please look at the “The Japan Empire Proclamation on the Forever Heaven Celebration Day of 2015 & National Banquet Invitation” you can download the file from JPE Government official website

International Committee of the Red Cross, hereinafter “ICRC”;
The United Nations, hereinafter “UN”;
The Charter of the United Nations, hereinafter “UN Charter”;

The United States of America, hereinafter “US” or “USA” or “U.S.” or "the United States";
The Government of the United States of America, hereinafter “US Government”;

The State of the Japanese Empire, hereinafter “Japan Empire” or “JPE”;
The Government of the State of the Japanese Empire, hereinafter “JPE Government”;

Treaty of Peace with Japan signed at San Francisco on 8 September 1951, hereinafter “San
Francisco Peace Treaty” or “SFPT”;
The “Formosa” stated in the SFPT, hereinafter “Taiwan”;
The “Pescadores” stated in the SFPT, hereinafter “Penghu”;

The State of Japan, which was forced to be independent from the Japan Empire on 3 May
1947 under U.S. military occupation, was recognized its independence and was entitled to use
the name “Japan” as its State’s name in English by SFPT Article 1(b), hereinafter “Japan”;
The Government of the State of Japan, hereinafter “Japan Government”;

The Permanent Court of Arbitration, hereinafter “PCA”;
The International Court of Justice, hereinafter “ICJ”;
The International Criminal Court, hereinafter “ICC”;

Rescue Committee for the People of Japan Empire, which has formed on 22 May 2013 in the occupied Japan Empire’s territory Taiwan at Taipei, hereinafter “RCJE”;
The RCJE has registered in the Non-Governmental Organizations of the United Nations since
23 October 2013 under the Jurisdiction of ICC and of ICJ, hereinafter “UN NGO RCJE” or

The Re-establishing Government of Japan Empire was publicly declared to rebuild on 20 February 2014 – the World Day of Social Justice in the occupied Japan Empire’s Taiwan Taipei by RCJE President Mr. Selig Tsai and Japan Empire’s people (RCJE has registered the United Nations NGO and subjected to the Jurisdiction of ICJ and ICC since 23 October
2013). And at the same time, the JPE Government has declared in all circumstances respecting to and complying with the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their three Additional Protocols. (the Re-establishing Government of Japan Empire is the Government of Japan Empire, and is the JPE Government; it named re-establishing government” because the JPE Government is under the circumstances of US military occupation and cannot totally follow our Meiji Constitution)

(Sec.) Prime Minister of the JPE Government
Selig S.N. Tsai 蔡 世能

21 June 2017, Heisei 29

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War Crimes of USA and its Chiang Kai-shek armed group (ROC)
on infringing the Red Cross President, record RCJE-P20180104


Taihoku, Formosa (台北, 台灣)

 RCJE Case Number: RCJE-P20180104

From: Mr. Selig S.N. Tsai

President of the Red Cross of Japan Empire
(United Nations’ NGO Rescue Committee for the people of Japan Empire; RCJE)

Address: No.263, Sec. 6, Yanping N. Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111, Formosa, the occupied sovereign State of Empire of Japan (Japan Empire)

Email Address:,

Website: ,

Annex 1 - The donation receipt

Annex 2 - USAF-CRAG’s notification

Annex 3 - USAF CRAG: see Definitions of Terms in Red Cross Law of Japan Empire


  Respected to

  President Peter Maurer of International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC);

  United Nation Secretary-General António Guterres, 

  President Vojislav ŠUC of United Nations Human Rights Council,

  Office of the Prosecutor of International Criminal Court (ICC);

  Occupying Power: the United States of America (USA)
  President Donald Trump of United States of America, (Please the AIT forward this document)

  US dispatched force - Chiang Kai-shek armed group (ROC), Commander Ms. Tsai Ing-wen, 

  Chief of Hsinchu County of the Chiang Kai-shek armed group (ROC), Mr. Yang Wen-ke,

 受文者:紅十字國際委員會主席、聯合國秘書長 安东尼奥·古特雷斯閣下、聯合國人權理事會主席、國際刑事法院檢察官辦公室、佔領國美國及美國總統(請美國在台協會轉交)USAF-CRAG主席蔡英文。