Requesting for the implementation of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their three Additional Protocols
in the occupied territory of Taiwan (Formosa and the Pescadores)
7 January 2020,
Taihoku (Taipei), Formosa (Taiwan)
Document Number: GA-13-031-P2
From: Mr. Selig S.N. Tsai
The Plenipotentiary Prime Minister
The Government of the Japan Empire;
President of the Red Cross of Japan Empire
(United Nations’ NGO Rescue Committee for the people of Japan Empire; RCJE)
Address: No.263, Sec. 6, Yanping N. Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111, Formosa, the occupied sovereign State of Empire of Japan (Japan Empire)
Email Address:,
Website: ,
Respected to:
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) President Mr. Peter Maurer and All ICRC members;
Swiss Federal Council and H.E. President Mr. Ueli Maurer;
United Nations General-Secretary António Guterres, and please give my regards to all member States of the United Nations, and please give my regards to all officials and workers of the United Nations;
International Court of Justice, Registrar Mr. Philippe Couvreur;
International Criminal Court, Registrar Mr. Peter Lewis;
Prime Minster Mr. Shinzō Abe of the sovereign State of Japan (since 3 May 1947), of which sovereign power resides with Japanese people;
Vatican City State, Pope Francis;
The Occupying Power
The principal Occupying Power – each government of the State of the United States of America (hereinafter “USA”, “US”) and President Mr. Donald John Trump;
US dispatched Chiang Kai-shek armed group (also known as the Republic of China in Taiwan, hereinafter “ROC”), President Ms. Tsai Ing-wen,
Your Excellency,
On behalf of the sovereign State of the Empire of Japan (hereinafter “Japan Empire”, “JPE”) and under the honorable Geneva Conventions of 1949, I thank United Nations General-Secretary António Guterres, all member States of the United Nations, and all officials and workers of the United Nations, and thank ICRC, and thank the persons who are reading this document, may God bless you all;
1. And thank that United Nations has carefully noted the Japan Empire’s accepting and applying the provisions of Geneva Conventions of 1949 with UN Case number GA-13-031;
“They shall furthermore be bound by the Convention in relation to [the sovereign State of the Empire of Japan], if the [the sovereign State of the Empire of Japan] accepts and applies the provisions thereof.”
3. Pursuant to Article 2 of the GCIV, the Japan Empire has declared that the Japan Empire respects and observes the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their three Additional Protocols in all circumstances and applies the provisions thereof, then the Japan Empire and the Occupying Powers of the United States(USA) , the Republic of China(ROC), the United Kingdom and the British Empire, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics which are occupying the Japan Empire’s territories, shall all be bound by the Geneva Conventions of 1949;
4. Hereby respectfully request the United Nations, the ICRC, the USA and the ROC to take the necessary steps on an urgent and accelerated basis to implement the six requests of “Observing and Respecting the Geneva Conventions of 1949”: (1) stop genocide and implement the GCIV in the (GA-13-031-A1, the document numbering is shown in the remarks after the text ), (2) offer offices and hospitals to the JPE Government and the Red Cross of Japan Empire (RCJE) for helping protected persons of the GCIV, (3) return immediately courts at all levels, civil authorities and their buildings to the JPE Government; return immediately the offices and the Red Cross Hospital to the RCJE in accordance with the provisions of the GCIV, (4) offer the re-establishment funds to the JPE Government for rebuilding courts and helping protected persons of the GCIV in their lives, (5) assist the RCJE to execute its duties as provided by the GCIV, and request the ICRC to station in the occupied territory of Taiwan as soon as possible, (6) assist the Japan Empire’s Protecting Powers to station in the occupied territory of Taiwan as soon as possible.
Urgent Requests
5. In view of the extreme gravity and immediacy of the war crimes that the Japan Empire nationals (protected persons of the GCIV) have been subjected to genocide continuously in the occupied territory of Taiwan (Formosa and the Pescadores);
6. On behalf of the Government of the sovereign State of the Empire of Japan (Japan Empire), acting on its own behalf and in the exercise of the GCIV’s protection of its nationals,
I reaffirm that the Japan Empire has accepted the Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (See Annex 1),
and reaffirm that Japan Empire has accepted the Universal Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, and respectfully submit the “Declaration Accepting the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court” to the honorable Registrar Mr. Peter Lewis of the International Criminal Court in conformity with Article 12 (3) of the Rome Statute (See Annex 2),
and hereby respectfully submit this Urgent Requests to the United Nations Secretary-General, the ICRC President, the Occupying Power of the USA’s sovereign entities and the US President and President of US dispatched Chang Kai-shek armed group (also known as the Republic of China in Taiwan, hereinafter “ROC”), for that:
A. Stop pillage:
All administrative penalties or taxes on civil resources imposed by the ROC against the Japan Empire nationals (protected persons of the GCIV), including: tolls, traffic penalties, or other administrative penalties, shall stop imposing and penalizing immediately;
Regarding the ROC imposed tax or penalized by the ROC, the JPE Government and the RCJE will institute proceeding before the Court (ICC) for compensation to the protected persons at twice the amount the ROC levied.
B. Stop compelling protected persons to serve in its armed or auxiliary forces:
The ROC should immediately stop its conscription from the protected persons – the Japan Empire nationals in the occupied territory of Taiwan (Formosa and the Pescadores).
C. Stop illegal trials:
The ROC should immediately stop convicting or sentencing the Japan Empire nationals (protected persons of the GCIV) by the judge of Chinese nationality and by the Chinese law.
D. Offering life relief fund to the Japan Empire nationals (protected persons of GCIV):
The USA and the ROC had never offered life relief or social relief to the Japan Empire nationals (protected persons of GCIV). The Japan Empire nationals (protected persons of GCIV) do need to rely on relief fund and medical care under the dignity of the nationality provided by the Article 4, Article13 and Article 51 of the GCIV.
E. Stop abusive issuing the ID of Chinese nationality
The ROC shall immediately stop abusive issuing the national ID of the Republic of China to the Japan Empire nationals (protected persons of the GCIV) which committed the crime of genocide by “forcibly transferring children of [nationals of the Empire of Japan] to [nationals of the Republic of China]” (provided by Article 6 (e) of the Rome Statute).
F. Legal Passport
Please Your Excellency assist the JPE Government or the Japan Empire’s Protecting Powers (See GA-13-031-P1) to reclaim the civil customs and to issue the legal passport to the Japan Empire nationals (protected persons of the GCIV) and to other civilians in the occupied territory of Taiwan (Formosa and the Pescadores).
G. Japan Empire’s Participation in the United Nations
Request the United Nations Secretary-General to arrange the participation of Japan Empire Government in the United Nations General Assembly as soon as possible, to make the Japan Empire nationals having their dignified legal status in international society.
Auctioning the Equity of Building of Governor–General of Taiwan
7. According to the situation that the United Nations is in severe financial crisis, it may prevent the United Nations from dispatching peacekeeping forces, arranging the Protecting Powers and providing the re-establishment funds to the JPE Government in the occupied territory of Taiwan (Formosa and the Pescadores);
8. Hereby, the JPE Government promulgates “Act of Auctioning the Equity of Building of Governor–General of Taiwan and with its Buyback” (See Annex 3), wishes that the said Act can assist the finance of United Nations, and can help the implementation of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their three Additional Protocols in the occupied territory of Taiwan (Formosa and the Pescadores). Benefits of the said Act are as follows:
A. Denoting $30 billion US dollars to the United Nations Secretary-General for freely deploying in UN funds, such as the Secretary-General's Trust Fund, Central Emergency Response Fund, International Reconstruction Fund, etc.;
B. Offering $10 billion to the UN Secretary-General for arranging or seting up offices for selling the said Equity;
C. Offering $20 billion for Japan Empire’s Protecting Powers to station in the occupied territory of Taiwan (Formosa and the Pescadores);
D. Offering about $10.665 billion to help Japan Empire nationals' basic needs for their lives (about 20 million people) and Instituting legal proceedings before the International Criminal Court (ICC) and before the International Court of Justice(ICJ), against the critical war crimes committed by the Occupying Power of the United States and the US dispatched Chiang Kai-shek armed group (the Republic of China in Taiwan);
E. Offering $5 billion to the ICRC to assisting the ICRC to perform the provisions of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their three Additional Protocols in the occupied territories;
F. Offering $3 billion to the President of the United States to assist the United States in arranging two million Chinese refugees who was transported to the occupied territory of Taiwan by warship in the end of 1949, to repatriate the Chinese refugees to the mainland of China, or to settle the Chinese refugees in Matsu and Kinmen, or to shelter the Chinese refugees in the United States of America;
G. Offering $1 billion to the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China to assist the Chinese refugees’ basic needs (about 3 million people) after the said Chinese refugees all left the Formosa and Pescadores (Taiwan) to be repatriated to the main land of China ,or settled in Matsu and Kinmen, or sheltered in the United States of America;
H. Offering $1 billion to His Majesty the Emperor of the Japan Empire, and the JPE Government promised that the JPE Government will convoy His Majesty the Emperor to return to His Own Sovereign State with peace and joy.
Thanks Your Excellency’s assistance.
Thanks the Geneva Conventions of 1949.
Thanks the International Committee of the Red Cross.
May this new year have peace and joy to persons all over the world.
Yours Sincerely,
Selig S.N. Tsai
The Plenipotentiary Prime Minister of the State of the Empire of Japan (Japan Empire)
7 January 2020, Reiwa 2
Annex 3 (GA-13-031-A5) Act of Auctioning the Equity of Building of Governor–General of Taiwan and with its Buyback
The documents offered last time
GA-13-031-P1 [Japan Empire] Observing and Respecting the Geneva Conventions of 1949
GA-13-031-A1 The Duties & Benefits of the Protecting Power for Executing the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 to the State of the Empire of Japan (Japan Empire, JPE)
Remarks - the Document Numbering
In order to make the subsequent documents simple and clear, and to reduce the repeated postage and paper of the documents, the JPE Government urges Your Excellency’s permission to use the case number GA-13-031 given by the United Nations as the key index. The encoding rules are as follows:
The United Nations GA-13-031 is the key index; the primary text starts with P, the annex starts with A, and its Arabic numerals are incremented in order;
For example, as this document is the second primary text issued by the JPE Government in the UN GA-13-031 case, the document code is GA-13-031-P2;
For annexes to this document, the annex code is incremented from the two annexes of the previous primary text "Observing and Respecting the Geneva Conventions of 1949" and its serial number is 3, 4, ..., then the numbering of the Annex of “JAPAN EMPIRE: DECLARATION RECOGNIZING AS COMPULSORY THE JURISDICTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE” is GA-13-031-A3.
If subsequent documents reference annexes, directly reference the annex number to reduce document duplication, postage, and papers.
If the United Nations gives the JPE Government a new case number in subsequent documents, JPE Government would use the new UN case number as the key index and its annexes numbering are according to this model.